ASIP 2021

Conference Photos:

Group Photo

Keynote Speakers

Title: Towards Explainable AI: How CNN Solves Problems of MLP
Prof. Xudong Jiang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Title: Image Authentication and Tamper Localization

Prof. Yulin Wang, Wuhan University, China


Invited Speaker

Title: Capturing a Clear Image on Computer Screen or LCD Screen Directly using Smartphone Camera

Dr. Lianly Rompis, Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado, Indonesia

Best Presentations:


Title: Multi-exposure remote sensing image HDR synthesis technology based on spaceborne DSP

Jinzhuo Qian, Henan University, China


Title: Velocity Planning for Autonomous Vehicle 

Jian Niu, Hefei University of Technology, China


Title: An Efficient Parallelized Huffman Decoding PE

Ruizhen Wu, Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., Ltd, China