Track 1: Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction | Track 2: Signal & Image Processing and Applications |
Trakc 3: Medical Image Processing and
Analysis |
Track chair:
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Aslina Baharum,
Sunway University, Malaysia |
Track chair:
Prof. Jian Dong, Tianjin
University of Technology and Education,
China |
Track chair:
Prof. Suraiya Jabin, Jamia Millia
Islamia, India |
Track 4: Machine Learning and Image Recognition |
5: Image Processing and Enhancement |
Track 6: Signal detection, analysis, and recognition |
Track chair:
Prof. Xiwen Zhang, Beijing Language and Culture University, China |
Track chair:
Asst. Prof.Simi V.R, Manipal Institute of Technology, India |
Track chair:
Assoc. Prof. Guangyan Wang, Tianjin University of Commerce, China |