Keynote Speakers
Changsheng Xu (IEEE & IAPR Fellow)
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dr. Xu is a Professor in National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Director of China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media. His research interests include multimedia content analysis/indexing/retrieval, pattern recognition and computer vision. He has hold 30 granted/pending patents and published over 200 refereed research papers in these areas. Dr. Xu is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications and ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal. He received the Best Associate Editor Award of ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications in 2012 and the Best Editorial Member Award of ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal in 2008. He served as Program Chair of ACM Multimedia 2009. He has served as associate editor, guest editor, general chair, program chair, area/track chair, special session organizer, session chair and TPC member for over 20 IEEE and ACM prestigious multimedia journals, conferences and workshops. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, IEEE Fellow, and IAPR Fellow.
Hiroyuki Kudo
University of Tsukuba, Japan
He received the B.Sc. degree from the Department of Electrical Communications, Tohoku University, Japan, in1985, and the Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, in 1990. In 1992, he joined the University of Tsukuba, Japan. He is currently a Professor with the Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan. His research areas include medical imaging, image processing, and inverse problems. In particular, he is actively working on tomographic image reconstruction for X-ray CT, PET, SPECT, and electron tomography. He received best paper awards more than 10 times from various international and Japanese societies. He received the IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers, Japan) Fellow award for his contributions on “cross-sectional image reconstruction methods in medical computed tomography”. In 2018, he obtained Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for his contributions on “research on design method and image reconstruction method for new CT”. For 2011-2016, he was an Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medical Imaging Technology (MIT). From 2020, he is a president of Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology (JAMIT).
Prof. Laurent David Cohen (IEEE Fellow)
Universite Paris Dauphine, France
Laurent David Cohen was born in
1962. He was student at the Ecole Normale Superieure
, rue d'Ulm in Paris, France from 1981 to 1985. He
received the Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Applied
Mathematics from University of Paris 6, France, in
1983 and 1986, respectively. He got the Habilitation
à diriger des Recherches from University Paris 9
Dauphine in 1995.
From 1985 to 1987, he was member at the Computer
Graphics and Image Processing group at Schlumberger
Palo Alto Research, Palo Alto, California and
Schlumberger Montrouge Research, Montrouge, France
and remained consultant with Schlumberger
afterwards. He began working with INRIA, France in
1988, mainly with the medical image understanding
He obtained in 1990 a position of Research Scholar
(Charge then Directeur de Recherche 1st class) with
the French National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS) in the Applied Mathematics and Image
Processing group at CEREMADE, Universite Paris
Dauphine, Paris, France. His research interests and
teaching at university are applications of Partial
Differential Equations and variational methods to
Image Processing and Computer Vision, like
deformable models, minimal paths, geodesic curves,
surface reconstruction, Image segmentation,
registration and restoration.
For many years, he has been editorial member of the
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Medical
Image Analysis and Machine Vision and Applications.
Prof. Keisuke Kameyama
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Keisuke Kameyama received the
B.E., M.E., and PhD degrees from Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Tokyo, Japan. From 1992 to 2000 he
worked as a Research Associate at Tokyo Institute of
Technology. In 2000, he joined the Tsukuba Advanced
Research Alliance (TARA),
University of Tsukuba. Currently, he works as a
Professor at the Institute of Systems and
Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba. He
has been working in the field of pattern
recognition, signal processing, and neural networks
for applications such as image classification, image
restoration, media retrieval and biometric
authentication. Dr. Kameyama is a member of IEEE,
Invited Speakers
Prof. Zhao Zhang, Hefei University of Technology, China
Zhao Zhang is a Full Professor at the School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology, China. He received the PhD degree from the City University of Hong Kong in 2013. His research interests include Multimedia, Machine Learning and Computer Vision. He has authored/co-authored over 80 technical papers published at prestigious journals and conferences, including 37 IEEE/ACM Transactions regular papers, with Google Scholar citations over 3,100 times and H-index 33. I am servingrved as an Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP), Pattern Recognition (PR) and Neural Networks (NN); also served as a Managing Guest Editor (MGE) for Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI), Image and Vision Computing (IVC). Besides, he has been acting as a SPC member/Area Chair of ACM MM, AAAI, IJCAI, SDM and BMVC. He is now a Senior Member of the IEEE and CCF.
Prof. Narendra D. Londhe, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India
Dr. Narendra D. Londhe is presently working as Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. He completed his B.E. from Amravati University in 2000 followed by M.Tech. and Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in the years 2006 and 2011, respectively. He has 15 years of rich experience in academics and research. He has published more than 170 articles in recognized journals, conferences, and books. His main areas of research include medical signal and image processing, biomedical instrumentation, speech signal processing, biometrics, intelligent healthcare, brain–computer interface, artificial intelligence, and pattern recognition. He has been awarded by organizations like Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, Ultrasonics Society of India, and NIT Raipur. He is an active member of different recognized societies from his areas of research including senior membership of IEEE.
Assoc. Prof. Aslina Baharum, Sunway University, MALAYSIA
Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Aslina Baharum (Dr. Ask)
holds the esteemed position of Associate Professor
at the School of Engineering and Technology within
Sunway Uni-versity. Previously, she has served as a
Senior Lecture at the Faculty of Computer and
Mathematical Sciences in Universiti Teknologi MARA
(UiTM), and as a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of
Computing and Informatics in Universiti Malaysia
Sabah (UMS), where she led the User Experience (UX)
research group. Completing her academic journey, she
also brings valuable industry experiences as a
former IT Officer at the Forest Research Insti-tute
of Malaysia (FRIM). She had experienced more than 20
years in the IT field.
She earned her PhD in Visual Informatics from UKM, a
Master Science degree in IT from UiTM, and Bachelor
of Science (Hons.) in E-Commerce from UMS. Dr. Ask
is an active member of the Young Scientists Network
- Academy of Science Malaysia, a Senior Mem-ber
IEEE, and a certified Professional Technologist
recognized by MBOT. She has further contributed to
the field by serving as an auditor for MBOT/MQA.
She has received medals at research and innovation
showcases and has been honored with awards for her
teaching, excellence in service, and outstanding
contributions as a researcher. Her bibliography
showcases her prolific output, including co-authored
and co-edited books, over 20 book chapters,
technical papers presented at conferences, and more
than 60 peer-reviewed and indexed journals
publications. She has also taken on editorial roles
for several journals and actively participated as a
committee member, ses-sion chair, and part of
editorial teams while actively participating as a
reviewer. Dr. Ask has graced numerous conferences
with her wisdom, delivering keynote, invited and
ple-nary talks.
Her research interests span a wide spectrum,
encompassing UX/UI, HCI/Interaction De-sign, Product
& Service Design, Software Engineering & Mobile
Development, Infor-mation Visualization & Analytics,
Multimedia, ICT, IS and Entre/Technopreneurship. Dr.
Ask’s expertise extends beyond the academic realm;
she imparts her knowledge through workshops and
talks on various subjects, including UI/UX,
Entrepreneurship, Vid-eo/Image Editing,
E-Commerce/Digital Marketing, STEM, Design Thinking
and etc.
Furthermore, she is certified as a Professional
Entrepreneurial Educator, Executive En-trepreneurial
Leader, and HRDF Professional Trainer, which
highlights her strong com-mitment to education and
entrepreneurship. Dr. Ask is highly regard in her
field, dedicat-ed and consistently pushing the
boundaries of knowledge and sharing her wealth of
ex-pertise with others.
Prof. Xiwen Zhang, Beijing Language and Culture University, China
XiWen Zhang is currently a full professor of Digital
Media Department, School of Information Science,
Beijing Language and Culture University.
Prof. Zhang worked as an associated professor from
2002 to 2007 at the Human-computer interaction
Laboratory, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy
of Sciences. From 2005 to 2006 he was a Post doctor
advised by Prof. Michael R. Lyu in the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, the Chinese
University of Hong Kong. From 2000 to 2002 he was a
Post doctor advised by Prof. ShiJie Cai in the
Computer Science and Technology department, Nanjing
Prof. Zhang's research interests include pattern
recognition, computer vision, and human-computer
interaction, as well as their applications in
digital image, video, and ink. Prof. Zhang has
published over 60 refereed journal and conference
papers. His SCI papers are published in Pattern
Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and
Cybernetics B, Computer-Aided Design. He has
published more than twenty EI papers.
Prof. Zhang received his B.E. in Chemical equipment
and machinery from Fushun Petroleum Institute
(became Liaoning Shihua University since 2002) in
1995, and his Ph.D. advised by Prof. ZongYing Ou in
Mechanical manufacturing and automation from Dalian
University of Technology in 2000.
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Tariq Mahmood, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea
He received the MCS degree in computer science from
AJK University of Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, in 2004.
After That he worked as a Software Engineer for more
than 8 years at Khaksar and Co. Islamabad Pakistan.
Then, in 2005, he made a significant shift in his
career by leaving software development and by
joining various institutes for his higher studies
and research. He received the MS degree in
intelligent software systems from Blekinge Institute
of Technology, Sweden, in 2006 and the PhD degree in
information and mechatronics from Gwangju Institute
of Science and Technology, Korea, in 2011. Now, he
is working as an Associate Professor at School of
Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University
of Technology and Education, Cheonan, Korea. His
research interests include image processing, 3D
shape recovery from image focus, computer vision,
pattern recognition and machine/deep learning.
Currently, he is working on various projects funded
by National research foundation (NRF), Korea related
to shape from focus/defocus, smart cities and
underwater imaging.